Blazer has been designing and fabricating BBQ grills and smokers in the Southeastern part of NH for over two years. From the start, the main focus was to offer the best personal sized BBQ grills that could withstand the NH elements and temperature.

A smoker that anyone could easily use; Wheather you’re just getting started and want quality to start, or an elite smoker who’s ready to upgrade to that thick metal heat retention with those thick smoke rings.

Matt and Chris both have backgrounds you would want, for your local BBQ builder.

Matt has been a metal Fabricator his whole life, with over 20 years of experience in the field. Matt has always created and built with his hands, making some of the most creative units for all sorts of indusrtries.

Chris moved south to work for NASCAR for 12 years, where he learned his fabricating skills and fell in love with BBQ. After his Cup Championship winning career, he moved back to NH to become a full time Firefighter for his hometown.

We already have over 20 Blazer’s in the southern NH area. We know that if you wanted a good quality smoker, you had to go south.

Well not anymore Folks, Blazer’s got the North on fire

Matt T. and Chris W.

Founders and Builders